Everyone is an Artist.

SCI6338: Intro to Computational Design I Fall 2019 
Advisor: Jose Luis García del Castillo y López
Teammates: Beilei Ren & Haoyu Zhao

Project Overview

People spend huge amount of time working. Some of us love our job. Some don’t. Some jobs are admired. Some aren’t. Wait. What? Why some jobs are under-emphasized? Tedious and repetitive works are considered more as labor rather than professions, since the process of production in these jobs are not creative. But what it would be if each one on the assembly line is a creator, or even an artist?


Typical Movements in Three Professions

Three jobs that are commonly considered as repetitive, tedious and uncreative are represented in this project. All of the three jobs have typical movements, which are heavily hand-driven. It is not a surprise that these movements are repeated hundreds of times a day by one single staff you meet at the airport, the FedEx shipping office, or in some random food truck on the street.

typical movement.png

Data Input with HTC VIVE

To record the three typical movements in three professions:Security body scanning, FedEx packaging and making Chinese Crepes, We imitate the gestures while holding HTC VIVE controllers. The movements are recorded as data in CSV files, and then represented as points in space with c# in Grasshopper.


Parametric Forms with Grasshopper and C# Script

The intial data input is then carried in Grasshopper and turn into a range of paraetric design options. The main componebt we use to generate forms is Voronoi Diagram, which is a component creating one volumetric cell for each point, promising any (virtual) points in this cell is closer to the reference point than to any other point. The result cell lists are reduced through several approches to the final options: random reduce, reduce by volume limit, or manual selection.


The intial data input is then carried in Grasshopper and turn into a range of paraetric design options. The main componebt we use to generate forms is Voronoi Diagram, which is a component creating one volumetric cell for each point, promising any (virtual) points in this cell is closer to the reference point than to any other point. The result cell lists are reduced through several approches to the final options: random reduce, reduce by volume limit, or manual selection.


Parametric Forms Renderings

The three parametric forms are rendered as the first exploration to represent them as art pieces. Expressive material and textures are preferred to convey the potential lucrative value of the pieces. What the difference between these pieces and the ones high up on the plinth in the galleries? You may cannot afford either.


The three parametric forms are rendered as the first exploration to represent them as art pieces. Expressive material and textures are preferred to convey the potential lucrative value of the pieces. What the difference between these pieces and the ones high up on the plinth in the galleries? You may cannot afford either.


3d Printed Parametric Forms

The parametric designs for three movements are digital fabricated with 3d printing into tangibe pieces. With the lighting and shadowing context, the movements are reborn as expressive art. We hope these art pieces bring aesthetic enjoyment and sense of achievvement to the workers in labor-intense professions.


The parametric designs for three movements are digital fabricated with 3d printing into tangible pieces. With the lighting and shadowing context, the movements are reborn as expressive art. We hope these art pieces bring aesthetic enjoyment and sense of achievement to the workers in labor-intense professions.
